5 strategies for new graduates during layoffs

5 essential tips for freshers seeking employment in layoff season

In an ever-changing job market, new graduates often face unique challenges, especially in times of economic uncertainty and layoffs. As companies restructure and adapt to changing circumstances, job opportunities may seem limited, making pursuing your dream career feel daunting. Yet amidst adversity lies the potential for growth and resilience. For recent graduates, understanding the dynamics …

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CVS Health plans deeper job cuts in CT as dozens more people lose their jobs

CVS Health plans deeper job cuts in CT as dozens more people lose their jobs

HARTFORD CVS Health Corp. will make even greater job cuts at its Connecticut corporation, implementing dozens of additional layoffs on top of those that have already begun this month, with further effects on employment at its health insurance division in Hartford. Rhode Island-based CVS told the state Department of Labor on Friday that it will …

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