Entrepreneurship from the age of 13: the Ivan Gonzalez story

In the ever-evolving online world, where challenges and opportunities intertwine online, the company’s story Ivn Gonzlez Barrasaalso known as Barrasa, stands out as an inspiring example of vision and perseverance from an early age.

At the age of 13, while in his second year of high school in Spain, Ivn entered the world of programming. What started as a hobby quickly turned into a business, which launched his entrepreneurial journey.

His curiosity about technology and computing led him to explore the digital landscape on his own. In a world where codes and programming lines intertwine, creating endless possibilities.

First steps as an entrepreneur

His first entrepreneurial venture resulted in an online gaming server. Barrasa focused providing an exceptional gaming experience, and his dedication quickly attracted a large number of online players. This experience marked the beginning of his life as a programmer.

At the age of 16, just two years after his initial success, he founded Nexbi, a gaming and social networking platform, with his gaming partner, Javier Loureiro. This initiative emerged as a solution to a problem that Ivan Barrasa and Javier had personally experienced: the challenge of finding playing partners of the same nationality or age in popular games like Fortnite, Call of Duty, Counter-Strike and more.

Not only did Nexbi manage to meet the needs of the online gaming community, but it also became an immediate success. WITH over 1 million users on its platform, have demonstrated the ability to identify the problem and the ability to develop applications and manage the project with their entire team in the competitive world of technology. Which is even more extraordinary that 90% of applications work with artificial intelligence.

Thanks to Nexbi, the team led by Barrasa scored over 100,000 in rounds business angel investments enabling the exponential growth of the platform, adding new features and managing professional tournaments with cash prizes and electronic products, sponsored by industry-leading technology companies.

What’s next

At just 20 years old, Barrasa continues to explore new business opportunities. Despite his young age, he considers this a significant advantage, allowing him to take risks faster and draw conclusions from experience. For him, taking risks is an opportunity to develop and learn.

His journey from his beginnings in the gaming world to the creation and success of Nexbi is an inspiration to those who want to venture into the digital world. It reflects that age is not a barrier to success and that young minds with vision and passion can achieve the goals they set for themselves.

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Image Source : www.forbes.com

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